Epiphany and the presence of Jesus
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Epiphany and the presence of Jesus

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    Epiphany, also known as the Feast of the Lord’s Revelation, is one of the most important festivals in Christianity, usually held on January 6 every year. Epiphany commemorates the visit of the three wise men to the Baby Jesus after his birth, symbolizing the manifestation of Jesus to humanity. This event not only emphasizes Jesus’ identity as the Savior but also symbolizes His presence in the lives of everyone, regardless of country, ethnicity or circumstances. This article will explore the profound meaning of Epiphany and how it represents Jesus’ presence to the world.

    Epiphany and the presence of Jesus

    1. The Meaning of the Epiphany

    Epiphany is derived from the Greek word “epiphaneia”, meaning “manifestation” or “appearance”. In Christianity, Epiphany commemorates the event of Jesus revealing himself to the world, represented by the visit of the three wise men from the East. This event is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:1-12), where the three wise men followed a strange star to Bethlehem to worship the Baby Jesus.

    The three wise men, often called the three kings, represent different peoples of the world, coming from distant countries to find Jesus. They brought precious gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh, each of which had a special meaning. Gold symbolizes Jesus’ kingship, frankincense symbolizes His priesthood, and myrrh symbolizes His sacrifice and death on the cross.

    2. Jesus’ Presence With Humanity

    The event of the three wise men coming to Jesus is not only a story about the search for the Savior, but also symbolizes the presence of Jesus with all humanity. Jesus not only came to redeem the Jews but also to be the Savior of all people and all nations. Epiphany emphasizes the universality of love and salvation that God brings to humanity through Jesus.

    The three wise men came from different countries, not of the lineage of Israel, but they still recognized the light of the star that led the way to Jesus. This shows that God’s presence is not limited by geographical or cultural borders, but that He comes to save all humanity. Through Epiphany, believers are invited to reflect on the presence of Jesus in their own lives and those of those around them.

    Jesus is not only present in historical events but also in the daily lives of believers. He is present through the Word of God, through the Sacraments, and through the love that believers give to each other. Epiphany is an opportunity for Christians to recognize God’s presence in every aspect of life and live according to the spirit of love and service that He taught.

    3. The Gifts Symbolize Jesus’ Mission

    The gifts that the three wise men gave to Jesus were not only precious gifts but also contained profound symbols of His mission. Gold, frankincense and myrrh not only show reverence but also speak of the role of Jesus in the life of humanity.

    Yellow symbolizes kingship, showing that Jesus is the King, the ruler not only on earth but also in the Kingdom of Heaven. He is the King of the universe, the King of all peoples and the King who brings righteousness and peace.

    Frankincensea type of perfume often used in worship rituals, symbolizing the priesthood of Jesus. He is the Mediator between God and humanity, the One who brings reconciliation between humans and God through the sacrifice on the cross.

    Myrrha fragrant oil used for embalming, symbolizing the sacrifice and death of Jesus. Myrrh reminds us that Jesus would have to suffer and die for humanity, but through that death, He brought new life and salvation.

    4. Epiphany in Christian Culture

    Epiphany has become an important part of Christian culture around the world. In many countries, this feast is also known as the “Feast of the Three Kings” and is an occasion for the faith community to celebrate the manifestation of Jesus to humanity. Processions, carols and traditional activities are held to honor Jesus and recall the coming of the three wise men to worship Him.

    In many parts of the world, children are also given gifts on Epiphany, symbolizing the gifts the three wise men gave to Jesus. These gifts not only bring joy but also remind of the spirit of love and sharing that Jesus brought to humanity. Epiphany is also an opportunity for believers to recommit to living by faith, opening their hearts to God’s presence in their lives and spreading His love to everyone.

    5. Live in the Spirit of the Epiphany

    Epiphany is not only an occasion for celebration but also a reminder for Christians about how to live their faith. Like the three wise men who followed the star to find Jesus, believers are also invited to seek and recognize God’s presence in daily life. This requires patience, fidelity and an open heart to listen to God’s call.

    Living in the spirit of Epiphany also means living a life of love and service. Jesus came to earth not to be served, but to serve and sacrifice for others. Christians, following the example of Jesus, are called to spread His love and mercy to everyone, especially the poor and abandoned.


    Epiphany is an important festival in Christianity, reminding of Jesus’ presence with all humanity. Through the event of the three wise men coming to worship Jesus, believers realize that Christ is not only the Savior of one people, but of everyone. Epiphany invites each believer to live their faith deeply, seek God’s presence in life and spread His love to the world.

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